• Know what you eat

    Scan a product barcode

    Get nutritional information

    Check additives and health risks

    Balance pros & cons

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  • Manage shopping list

    At home:
    - search and compare products
    - add products to shopping list

    While shopping:
    - don't forget anything
    - view total price tag

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  • Share with community

    Rate products taste and quality

    View ratings and prices

    Add unknown product to get instant rating

    View nearby shops

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  • The Independent Expert App

    Built by physicians

    Fully independent from industry

    Free & without advertising

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Your Health & Fitness Food Scan Advisor

Built by physicians, free and fully independent, Cajoul will advise you during your food product shopping and your meals.

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Instant scan & evaluate

Simply scan any product barcode to view all characteristics of the scanned food, how they fit your needs and healthier alternatives. Each food product is evaluated according to several objective criteria including nutritional quality, organic content and additives.

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Manage shopping list & cart

Cajoul will also help you to manage your shopping list so you will not forget anything! You could prepare your shopping list in advance, checking product characteristics before buying them. In the supermarket, your shopping list will list scanned products already in your shopping basket and the missing ones you need to add. On top of that, no more bad surprise at the paying counter as Cajoul computes and displays the forecasted total bill.

Manage expiration dates

Cajoul keeps the list of your food products with their expiration dates, and will warn you when some products are about to expire. No more waste as you could at a glance check which products are due to expire soon.

Extensive food coverage

Cajoul database includes more than 1 million of food products worldwide. If a product is not known in our database, you could add it on the spot using iOS app, the app will automatically decode the nutrition facts and ingredients in order to provide you on the spot a first index and recommendations about the product.

Free and packed with features

Much more than a food scanner

Cajoul will not only scan any branded food product to displays all its characteristics and relevant advice. It also includes a free shopping list manager, a shopping cart tracker, will help you find nearby shops, and manage expiration dates for all your products.

Before, during, and after shopping

Plan your shopping in the comfort of your home, by searching and comparing products. Add selected products to your shopping list.

while shopping, you could view products remaining to buy and Cajoul will automatically tick them when you add them to your cart after scan. Cajoul will also conveniently displays expected total price tag, to avoid bad surprises at the cash counter.

While thinking on next meal menu, Cajoul will display the list of products you bought, sorted by their expiration date. No more spillage and wasting!

Tailored to your personal needs

In next version, Cajoul ratings will be adjusted according your food preferences, allergies and medical condition.

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Additional free features

The iOS version of Cajoul provides additional free services paving the way to healthy eating, those services are being ported to the Android version

Find nearby shops

Simply enter your nearest city, or click on the locate button to detect you location, and Cajoul will display nearby shops and supermarkets. Clicking on a shop will display it on the map, you could then launch detailed driving instructions to the shop.

Record and track expiration dates

When you add a product to your shopping cart, you can also easily set its expiration date. Cajoul will record all your purchased products (until you finish to eat them) and will keep track of their expiration dates. Your larder list will display products sorted by expiration date to ensure you don't waste anything.

Additives explained

Cajoul will analyze product ingredients to find out additives present in the product. A complete additive database clearly point out the characteristics and risks of each additive, so you could take an informed purchase decision.